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http://michigansportscenter.com/facebook-games-with-real-slots.pdf ">play star trek slot machine online free And what is glaringly missing from the China Labor Watch report is that Pegatron, before Apple ramped up production there in the recent past, was not sitting on their thumbs waiting for Apple to come along. They were busy manufacturing for many other electronics companies, and presumably still are. And yet we don???t hear any of the same violations aimed at any other company. Are we to believe that Apple, while under the magnifying glass of the world???s labor watchers, comes in and demands worse conditions than a company???s same workers experienced while assembling products for Microsoft, LG, Dell, HP, etc. Or does it make more sense that whatever working conditions found for workers assembling Apple products are likely similar for workers assembling products of those other company???s. and what of the workers manufacturing the thousands of different products you find at Walmart? Products that simply don???t carry profit margins sufficient to allow decent pay and worker conditions anywhere near as safe as what the electronics manufacturers can provide? What of them? Do they get a pass? I imagine there are horrid conditions being suffered by thousands of laborers within three miles of the Pegatron facilities, virtually under the noses of the labor watch folks. But I guess it wouldn???t make headline to report the squalid conditions of workers assembling something as mundane as a two-burner electric hot plate sold at Walmart or The Christmas Tree shop. What will these folks do when Apple corrects the most trivial of offenses? Then will we finally see the light cast upon the real offenses committed against millions working in conditions that seriously define the word ???abuse????
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